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Tomb of Ramesses II

Tomb of Ramesses II Ramesses II, also known as Ramesses the Great, was buried in Tomb KV7, located in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt. He was the son of Seti I and Tuya and reigned from 1279 to 1213 BCE. He constructed monuments at Abu Simbel, Abydos, Rame sseum, L uxor, a nd Karnak. Coordinates 25.740776,32.601625 Description Current measurements divide the tomb into three levels: level 1, the entrance corridor; level 2, the pillared chamber; and level 3, the burial chamber and rooms. 3D mapping of the tomb enables measurements to be taken. Measurements Entrance corridor; 22.90m by 2.61m /44 by 5 cubits Floor area: 220 sq cubits Opening in corridor 8.35m by 8.35m by 3.7m Floor area: 70 sq m² Volume: 259m³/1795 cubit³ Room off corridor 7.85×8.48×3.10 m Floor area: 66.50 sq m Volume: 206.4 m³/1442.5 cubit³ Room off corridor (2) 5.38×3.30×2.63 m Floor area: 46.7 sq m Volume 46.7 m³/326.4 cubit³ End of corridor 6.3×5.72×2.82 Floor area: 36 sq m Volume: 101.6 m³/7...

Devil's Arrows 

Devil's Arrows
Image in the public domain

The Devil's Arrows are three standing stones (possibly Neolithic) in an alignment in Boroughbridge in North Yorkshire.

The locations Devil's Quoits, Gavrinis, and Devil's Arrows could be connected by the constellation of Orion.
A distance of 455 miles connects to the Neolithic Gavrinis (altitude 11m but 19m overall) with the Devil's Arrows site at an angle of 8.2° and altitude of 19m (the same as Giza).

It can be suggested that the Egyptians from the 4th dynasty reached the British Isles and connected the sites together. They could have achieved this by adjusting the Neolithic circle at Devil's Quoits to give √22 then in Boroughbridge carve and align the stones so as to link to Gavrinis (8.2°), there a number 8 was used and when passing Woodhenge they added further logs to achieve the required ratios.
An area of 14612 sq miles forms a triangle between Gravinis and Devil's Arrows, when dividing by the angle gives 1778, a number very similar to Khufu's shaft width of 0.1778m.

The purpose of this is unclear, a possible year the ancient Egyptians reached British Isles is 2510-2507 bc.

The building of the Devil's Arrows could coincide at arriving at Stonehenge and having an input into it's construction as it and Woodhenge are connected with the φ, the ancient Egyptian calendar, Alexandria and the year 2497 bc
(There is also a possible connection with the star Mintaka at 1200ly, 24 solar masses, and 16.5 solar radii).

Numbers from each

Orion numbers
Arrow numbers
Quoits numbers
Pyramid numbers
Gavrinis date
5510-855=4655 bc

Associated numbers connecting the sites.


Number 8=0.3 miles or 1609.344 ft
Using a megalithic mile gives a fraction that equals 1496 ft
=1496 ft

490.528m=1609.344 ft
(This number is ft/metres).
The 0.2834 number as a percentage of a mile is 1496 ft (it also appears on the Avebury Stone Circle as a primer from 2550 bc).
The 1609.344 ft number is a conversion from a mile 1609.344 in metres to a distance of 1609.344 ft
(1609.344÷0.3048)÷3.2808=1609.344 ft

The area between Gravinis and Devil's Arrows using the angle 8.2° is equal to 14612.94 sq miles.
The area between all three = 5050 sq miles.
0.2893×1609.344=1527 ft

Devil's Arrows

Separation details and alignment.
Heights are 6.85/6.7/5.5m
Separation 110m/60m
Angle -0.156°/-1.146°
Ratio (200÷63)+(367÷60)=9.29

A possible link to Earth, Venus and Mars, given the ratios 1.0/0.9499/0.532
12742/12104/6779km for diameter.
These should be 6.85/6.51/3.64m but Mars is 1.86m (or x1.511) too tall and Venus 0.19m (or x1.0292) too tall from measured heights.

This could also be obliquity as the difference between the middle and ends are x1.0527 and x1.22, the 1.0527 is when obliquity adds with tilt to increase it by 5% and 1.22 is equal to mid point distance in obliquity.
This would then be put with the distance of 60m represented as 60% and gives a date of 2542 bc (half obliquity = 10250).
6150−1623−1985=2542 bc

This is with the use of the measurements given, the separation of 60m from the shorter two stones multiplied by the golden ratio gives a number which is not far from 8.2 golden ratios to the end stone, equalling 68 in total.

Celestial Meaning

Possible link with Earth's Aphelion Perihelion
(3° angle+0.289 error from height=3.289% diff)
Along with a conjunction that occurs quite often with these ratios, this could include the three along with their corresponding orbits.
Further north, henges have 'round barrows' in the shape of the Ursa Major constellation and some are similar to Cassiopeia and another similar to a small Ursa Major superimposed onto Thornborough Henge.
(John Aubrey’s 1687 plan of the Devil's Arrows considered it of a Circle).


The 8.2° is almost certainly just an ancient Egyptian number connected to their measurement between pyramids and 1° of equatorial rotation. The baseline number connected with this is 922.704 km.

1983.88÷60=33.065 minutes
33.065÷60=0.551 (% of an hour)

But coincidentally because a sidereal day is 235.5 seconds shorter as a percentage of an hour would only be 0.997% making 1hr/15° equal 1hr/14.96°


Because a second is 0.0041666667° of rotation then this suggests the 8.27° is more accurate.

A triangle of 3.989° x 922.704 x 64.197 produces a slope of 921.552. The 921.552 divided by 4 as the pyramid base is equal to 230.39m per side.

Because 239.345 seconds is equal to 1° of rotation this means that it is actually the smaller 8.24° which is correct.

The 1496 number used as a primer on Avebury Stone Circle is used here as a percentage of an hour taking into account a sidereal day and as a conversion factor using 455/328.
=1496 ft

The 328 is not only feet per hundred metres but a number of 1609.344 distances in 5280 ft. The 455 seems to be only a distance measurement connected to a pyramid's separation distance.

The connection to Devil's Quoits is minimal and a triangle between them gives an area of 5050 sq miles as opposed to Devil's Arrows and Gravinis, which were an area of 14612.94÷8.2=1778.
Though the area is 230 sq miles smaller then an area of 5280 sq miles (a mile in feet).

Along with the pyramid connections is the altitude connection as Gravinis total height, Devil's Arrows and Giza all have the same height above sea level of 19m.

The possibility that they choose the site for altitude and distance to connect to Gravinis could suggest distance and circumference of 455, 328 and 155 Arrows ratio.
The suggestion of the Arrows connecting to the three planets or conjunction is possible but the heights are just a bit too far off. 
Out of all the numbers that they could have chosen as well as the unique 8.2° they chose 455 a distance measurement from Khafre's to Menkaure's pyramid, this as 455-328÷100=√φ. The connection with this and the pyramid slopes is that it is missing the separation angle of 0.05°, although the angle between the three is 167.33°, if this difference off 180° was added to 180° it would equal 192.67° or roughly the rotation angle of the three pyramids.

It then suggests something like once you find obliquity it is then a date, a golden ratio, an angle that connects to the pyramids, a distance and then a measurement.
The last two then would be equated to √φ.

(Obliquity 》2540 bc 》φ 》√φ)

The Devil's Arrows are unconnected to the Bronze Age Thornborough Henges and Moel Ty Uchaf which are both possibly on older Neolithic sites. The Devil's Arrows might have existed as a Neolithic group of stones whose purpose is unknown until a full measurements of these stones or the original location is ascertained.

Devils Arrows

Archeology77 ©


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