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Tomb of Ramesses II

Tomb of Ramesses II Ramesses II, also known as Ramesses the Great, was buried in Tomb KV7, located in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt. He was the son of Seti I and Tuya and reigned from 1279 to 1213 BCE. He constructed monuments at Abu Simbel, Abydos, Rame sseum, L uxor, a nd Karnak. Coordinates 25.740776,32.601625 Description Current measurements divide the tomb into three levels: level 1, the entrance corridor; level 2, the pillared chamber; and level 3, the burial chamber and rooms. 3D mapping of the tomb enables measurements to be taken. Measurements Entrance corridor; 22.90m by 2.61m /44 by 5 cubits Floor area: 220 sq cubits Opening in corridor 8.35m by 8.35m by 3.7m Floor area: 70 sq m² Volume: 259m³/1795 cubit³ Room off corridor 7.85×8.48×3.10 m Floor area: 66.50 sq m Volume: 206.4 m³/1442.5 cubit³ Room off corridor (2) 5.38×3.30×2.63 m Floor area: 46.7 sq m Volume 46.7 m³/326.4 cubit³ End of corridor 6.3×5.72×2.82 Floor area: 36 sq m Volume: 101.6 m³/7...

Breeny More Stone Circle

Breeny More Stone Circle 
Image by Michael Mitchell 2012

Breeny More Stone Circle is described as an axial stone circle and National Monument located in County Cork, Ireland.

It is short of a circle and would be better described more as a row of stones with a further group adjacent to it, it could also be considered as a monument but it is also possible that there are some stones missing from it's original design.


Due to the shape, this row and group of stones could be considered as two rectangles, outer as the row plus odd stones and inner as the four which are grouped together. They produce the following angles and measurements.
57° outer
64° inner

Best fit outer
48 ft x 18 ft
864 sq ft

Best fit inner
6.66 x 8.66 ft
57.6756 sq ft

(Is there a simple calculation or visual description for the monument?)

Using radians, as the 57.6756 number is near to 57.296 with a possible measurement inaccuracy, then dividing this number by seconds in a day gives radians÷100.


This could mean 1/100, in a triangle of 90° the 0.57296 as radians would equal 32.82832°

From the perimeter, a measure 283.5208m is produced if subtracted from 360 as if degrees in a circle equals 76.4792°. Using this number divided by radians and then multipled by 100 gives a possible distance of 133 km at 76°.
1.332×100=133.2 kms

This distance and angle would put it just north of Ennis. In that area, there are multiple lakes with one group in the shape of the four stones. The other stones could be defined by some of the lakes there, but there are quite a few, which in turn could mean that some stones could be missing. 

Another possibility would be to use the inner and outer angles and apply this to the areas.


The latter gives the 76.5 number used for the angle, showing it could be an error check.

Also, the root of the coordinates at both maximum tilt and when built, produce.

So assuming this was 6.505° ago, then its coordinates would have been.
45.2, -9.496.

68.9324/° latitude
78.4394/° latitude

A difference of 9.5 kms at 45.2 increases its longitude by 0.121.


Assuming the difference between these two numbers is obliquity and measured from maximum tilt, then the following is produced.

Here, a date of 2540 bc is produced

What seems like an elaborate monument centred around the coordinates 52.911354,-9.127157 near Ennis which derived from 83° north (76.5+6.5=83) which uses stones to represent lakes in that area and with 6.5° rotation aligns it at 76.5° where larger lakes of a similiar pattern exist, with the monument built in 2540 bc, seems to be correct.

An analogy would be a group of people moving and expanding in size inside that time. A monument would be fitting for such an ideology.

Along with the possibility that the numbers 24 and 15 could have been used as a directional marker when reaching the correct lake, due to the sea level rise and rainfall rivers and lakes could have be much larger in 2540 bc

This could also be interpretate as moving due to a volcanic eruption, which is known to have occurred twice in about 2500 bc.
In the article 'Dolmens of Spain' in particular the Dolmen de Guadalperal, it is shown as representing Mt.Vesuvius/Mt.Etna.
Dates for eruption are 2635 bc, 2497bc, 2474bc, and 2439 bc with the latter as a documented eruption. 
The Breeny More Stone Circle is thought to be accurate as it uses the root of the coordinate differences and is dated to 2540 bc, which is coincidentally exactly 100 years before the documented eruption.
This could possibly suggest that it is incorrect in the infavour for the earlier date.

Archeology77 ©


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