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Tomb of Ramesses II

Tomb of Ramesses II Ramesses II, also known as Ramesses the Great, was buried in Tomb KV7, located in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt. He was the son of Seti I and Tuya and reigned from 1279 to 1213 BCE. He constructed monuments at Abu Simbel, Abydos, Rame sseum, L uxor, a nd Karnak. Coordinates 25.740776,32.601625 Description Current measurements divide the tomb into three levels: level 1, the entrance corridor; level 2, the pillared chamber; and level 3, the burial chamber and rooms. 3D mapping of the tomb enables measurements to be taken. Measurements Entrance corridor; 22.90m by 2.61m /44 by 5 cubits Floor area: 220 sq cubits Opening in corridor 8.35m by 8.35m by 3.7m Floor area: 70 sq m² Volume: 259m³/1795 cubit³ Room off corridor 7.85×8.48×3.10 m Floor area: 66.50 sq m Volume: 206.4 m³/1442.5 cubit³ Room off corridor (2) 5.38×3.30×2.63 m Floor area: 46.7 sq m Volume 46.7 m³/326.4 cubit³ End of corridor 6.3×5.72×2.82 Floor area: 36 sq m Volume: 101.6 m³/7...

Avebury Stone Circle

Avebury Stone Circle

Why was it built? Avebury is a Neolithic henge monument containing three stone circles around the village of Avebury in Wiltshire, England.
It is the largest megalithic stone circle in the world. It has been suggested that Avebury stone circle connects to the earlier neolithic Cotswold stone circle, a group of plain but shaped stones that marked altitude and areas of interest. These formed two circles, offset by 27°. It is unlikely that these connect with the location, but the understanding from Cotswold Stone Circle was followed through to this circle. The inner circles are 48m and 50m, 96% of each other, and the larger measured at 45° is 360-365m.
Of the three circles, the two inner ones are perfectly rounded. The northern circle (51.429485,-1.853646) has two circumference stones and it's centre remains, the southern circle (51.428042,-1.853390) has at least nine circumference stones with eight in a straight line inside this circle. The angle of these vertical stones is 11°, the angle between the two circles is 8°, an angle of 5° from the horizon connects the southern circle with a stone aligned to the vertical. Of the nine stones (circumference of southern circle), five are large and four are small, and of the vertical six are large and two small.

Using 11 again as root and 11,11 as cubed root, the following are produced.

Southern circle
Vertical -15,-2,(),8,20,29,40,51,57
Circumference 3,16,28,41,54,65,78,89 13,12,13,13,11,13,11

Northern circle
This circle is incomplete and can hardly be a circle, but the angles between the stones produce a triangle of 60°/57°/0°. In a triangle of sides, 50m gives an area of 1150m² and perimeter of 155m.

The large circle in the segments, as found today, there are 3,4,22, and 17 stones accordingly. From the outer southern circle, a 45 number was produced and could be used as a 45° angle, which could split the circle (this could be from a number of points but using the southern circle centre).
From a total of 46 stones, 11 are towards the right, leaving 35 to the left (1:3.182 split). This splits the large circle, about three parts to one part, and as a circle, it could be considered as pi. As a ratio 11÷35=0.31428, a number one tenth of pi, error 0.0013.
Also, taking the areas of the three circles so pi is represented as one circle divided into three with the addition of the differences of the smaller circles from the larger.

The larger at 365m


Using the numbers 48m, 50m, and 368m produces the smallest error 0.0003. Reducing the circle sizes to 47.5m, 49.5m, and 365m produce a similar result and keeping the 365, which also suggests a circle.




The 0.2 in the 45.2° doesn’t matter much due to stone spacing also reducing the smaller circles in the final area shows that it is particularly the area differences that matter and it is in the shape of three circles and not two circles and a triangle. This isn’t very clear and also might have been built this way, although depictions show it as three full circles mostly from 1876, with many different hypotheses to it’s purpose.

The splitting of the circle at 45° is questionable as there are three circles anyway, so making three and the difference in areas. There was also no use of the angles produced (8,5,11) maybe hinting at the more accurate 47.5/49.4/365, the number 0.31428 (1 tenth of pi) (from splitting the circle) would be accurate enough which is based on the total number of stones, this then could be multiplied by the () number giving a 10 but this requires offset to 20th century. Not offsetting by 7° gives 2.43, multiplied by 10 doesn’t give an answer, but by 13 is 0.02 off pi. So this can be read forward/not forward by the use of the north circle, which produces a horizontal currently, 7° ago may represent a constellation that is triangular in shape. As with other circles with stones missing the implication is that some detail is missing but with Avebury that was the builders intention, fully fitted with stones there are just three circles, when applying area produces an answer for π.
A possible date of 2551 bc is expected, this being built about time of Stonehenge.

When the size of Avebury's stones are collated in groups of large or small and a value of 1=large and 0=small is applied, the following are produced.

North circle 100
South circle 111011000
Large circle stones 3,4,22,17


Moving the numbers until they align could represent the common denominator of '111', which is 1496. '111' is the three stones. The north and south smaller circles seem not to fit into this pattern, but applying root the north circle produces the 10 and the southern when divided by the common denominator of 1496, which produces an angle value. This equates to 2559 bc, a difference of 8 years from the 2551 bc.  

√(111011000)=10536.17577 10536.17577÷1496=7.04289 7.04289÷1.55=4.54380
4.54380×1000-1985=2559 bc

The constellation is probably the Winter Triangle, vertices at Sirius, Betelgeuse, and Procyon, which Procyon and Betelgeuse are about 2° apart. Due to their accuracy, a less likely possibility is the Summer Triangle, which stars are Altair, Deneb, and Vega.


Archeology77 © 


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