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Colosseum The Colosseum in Rome, Italy, is an oval amphitheatre just east of the Roman Forum and is the largest ancient amphitheatre ever built. Construction began with the emperor Vespasian 72 ad, being completed in 80 ad under his successor emperor Titus, with f urther construction continuing under emperor Domitian. Under the era of these three emperors known as the Flavian dynasty, the amphitheatre was named the Flavian Amphitheatre by later classicists and archaeologists for its association with their family name  ( Flavius ) . Although the Colosseum is one of the main tourist site locations, it doesn't fit in with placing of other important sites and their meanings. At the time of construction, it would have been near to the edge of the city. The amphitheatre hosts three tiers and one sub level known as hypogeum. It not only hosted gladiatorial battles but also theatrical events like battles, chariot racing, and Olympic games. It was known that it once hosted a water battle
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