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Showing posts from August, 2024


Colosseum The Colosseum in Rome, Italy, is an oval amphitheatre just east of the Roman Forum and is the largest ancient amphitheatre ever built. Construction began with the emperor Vespasian 72 ad, being completed in 80 ad under his successor emperor Titus, with f urther construction continuing under emperor Domitian. Under the era of these three emperors known as the Flavian dynasty, the amphitheatre was named the Flavian Amphitheatre by later classicists and archaeologists for its association with their family name  ( Flavius ) . Although the Colosseum is one of the main tourist site locations, it doesn't fit in with placing of other important sites and their meanings. At the time of construction, it would have been near to the edge of the city. The amphitheatre hosts three tiers and one sub level known as hypogeum. It not only hosted gladiatorial battles but also theatrical events like battles, chariot racing, and Olympic games. It was known that it once hosted a water battle

Le dolmen de la Table des Marchands

Le dolmen de la Table des Marchands The dolmen of the Table des Marchands is a tomb located in Locmariaquer, Brittany, France. Along with the Er-Grah tumulus and the Broken Menhir of Er Grah, they are the Locmariaquer megaliths. The Er-Grah tumulus is a cairn. The Broken Menhir of Er Grah refers to the broken menhir (which no longer stands) but includes what is thought to be a row of menhirs replaced by small local stones. Coordinates 47.571636,-2.949732 Description The tomb and cairn are located on an outcrop on the mainland at almost the same latitude as Gravinis and about 4 kilometers east. The tomb's entrance is at a 45° angle toward the southeast and is built from the same stone as the Er-Grah tumulus. It is a two-layer structure and roughly circular. One layer is 20 metres and the other 29 metres wide, and 15 metres and 23 metres long, respectively. Analysis Taking the difference in coordinates between the two sites as, Latitude 0.000255 Longitude 0.05 it can t