Gorsedd Circle The Gorsedd Circle is a stone circle in Fishguard, Wales. The Gorsedd Stones are a Welsh tradition of modern stone circles constructed for the National Eisteddfod of Wales. These stone circles can be found at several locations, including Aberdare Park and Anglesey. They are typically 20 metres wide and have 12 stones on the circumference with a level stone in the circle. A further stone is usually set back from the circumference; the central stone is called the Logan Stone. Coordinates 51.996431,-4.975040 Stone Circle Gorsedd Circle is a typical stone circle but has 13 stones on the circumference with one inset. It was erected in 1936 and has the names of the parishes inscribed on each stone. Ceremony During the opening ceremony, the Archdruid stands on the Logan Stone facing the Stone of the Covenant. Two stones mark the entrance and are called the Portal Stones. These mar k the midsummer and midwinter sunrises. Gorsedd Circle (no edit) Archeology7...
Silbury Hill
Silbury Hill is a prehistoric artificial chalk mound near Avebury in the county of Wiltshire. It is part of the Stonehenge, Avebury, and Associated Sites UNESCO World Heritage Site.Also nearby is the West Kennet Long Barrow not thought to be connected as it was dated to the 37th century bc.
Silbury Hill is made from layers of chalk and soil extracted from the surrounding area. There are no features to the mound that might have been used as an outpost.
The three locations, Silbury Hill, Marlborough mound, and Stonehenge coordinates, are listed as they are connected but only by the construction of the mounds.
Silbury Hill
51.455765, -1.857452
Marlborough mound
51.416573, -1.737374
51.178847, -1.826182
Silbury Hill dimensions
167m diameter
39.3m height
30m summit diameter
If considering Silbury Hill as a cone, the following equation would give a volume.
(The volume in metres, feet, and cubits is included).
(π×h)÷3 (R(R+r)+r²)
=2430760 cubit³
If considering Silbury Hill as a pyramid and a cylindrical shape, the cylinder would have a volume of 27780m³, and the slope would be about 30°.
(A 30m peak as a cylinder to the base)
Alternatively multiplying the height and diameter for the reciprocal, a shorter width of 523 by 1.9ft is produced as the circumference giving two alternatives.
Conversion to feet and then using a possible alternative number of 523. This gives a difference of 1.9ft.
π×167=524.65 (547.9ft)
523÷π=166.47 (546ft)
Using the shorter gives a different number.
Silbury Hill is aligned at 86°, with Marlborough Mound at 76° and Stonehenge at 18°.
The lengths (in kms) are shown as a ratio to π and their differences.
0.088 from π
0.0017 from π
Between Silbury Hill and Marlborough Mound, there is a longitude difference of 8.337kms and latitude difference of 0.054kms.
These two monuments would have been east/west 0.378° or about 243 years before maximum tilt.
These numbers could be a triangle, which just gives a different height and possibly obliquity at midpoint (23.256°).
The angle difference past maximum tilt (1985) is 0.05425° which equates to a height difference of 0.947m.
So, in 1985, this would have been 0.055kms.
The number 1.523 is achieved from the 1.9ft shorter width, by itself wouldn't mean much but the angle past maximum tilt is 0.378° (or 243 years) which is similiar to the Sphinx which doesn't reach tilt by this much.
Other connections are, the volume which in cubits is about 2.4M cubit³, before the reciprocal, the difference between the two widths is about 20.
The building of such a high monument would have two uses, one it wouldn't be destroyed easily and two if dated correctly, 24th century bc it would be a copy or their interpretation of the Giza pyramids, including the cubit.
(It is shown that the ancient Egyptians used all measurements in conversions, but the cubit was the unit of measurement. At Silbury Hill, it is feet and metres, which include the cubit).
Another possibility is that it aligns or marks sunrise or sunset, as it is circular, then the measurements are used for this.
The summit at 39.3ft, in degrees would be equal to sunrise at 39°/40°.
At maximum tilt for this location the Azimuth for 167° (diameter) would be just after noon at an elevation of 14°, but because of precession and when it was thought to be built this would be about the Spring Equinox and Azimuth for 167° would also be about noon with an elevation of 37°.
As the two numbers are associated, the 37° is 2.3 less than 39, and 14° is 25.3 less. The 25.3 becomes an angle of 25.3° when the shape is a cone with a base diameter of 167m and a vertex of 39.3m.
If the ratio of diameters is 5.56 and the ratio of circumferences is 5.56, then it shows that the 167m is correct.
Also, if 30° slope to a peak of 30m diameter, then a 60° slope is to a distance of 60. This is probably feet as 60m along the slope leaves 18m, which is about 60 feet, or 18m and 0.973m.
The 2.24ft could be just about 60, but it could be 2.24 years after Giza pyramids construction or 224 years.
=60ft + 2.24ft
With the Giza pyramid connections and date to the 24th century bc Silbury Hill is most likely an interpretation of them.
The scaling is probably unnecessary but is quite near to 5.5, which is a pyramid construction ratio.
Silbury Hill
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